Important Changes in Instagram Algorithm

Instagram recently significantly changed displaying followers and likers lists for verified profiles. Instead of directly showing them, Instagram now provides a cached response. This means viewing a verified profile's followers and likers lists only allows you to interact with their recent 50 followers.

We recommend adding accounts without verification badges to your target list to make the most of these changes. Doing so can ensure a diverse range of content in your feed. Another option is to use the Explore (likers) targeting feature. This feature allows you to discover fresh and new content that aligns with your interests.

If you want to optimize your account recommendations on Instagram, we highly recommend you train your account recommendation algorithm. This can be quickly done by opening the Explore (Discover) page on your Instagram app and actively searching for and liking content similar to your account. By consistently engaging with relevant content, you can effectively teach Instagram's AI to provide more accurate recommendations tailored to your interests.

For the best configuration of your recommendations on Instagram, we suggest you periodically engage with up to 100 relevant pieces of content through manual likes rather than liking all the content simultaneously. This gradual approach ensures a more organic and authentic engagement with your target content.

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