Action Block / Compromised Loop

If you ever get an Instagram in-app notification saying, "It looks like you shared your password with a service to help you get more likes or followers, this goes against our Community Guidelines. Change your password to continue using Instagram. If you share your new password with one of these services, you may get blocked from following, liking, or commenting." their variations, you are not alone.

Action blocks can occur when users excessively use features such as likes, comments, following other accounts, or sending numerous direct messages per hour. They can also occur within the app, even without automation tools.

Wolf Growth utilizes an advanced artificial intelligence system to prevent various action block types effectively. The system can automatically pause and resume actions once they are deemed safe to continue. However, simultaneously engaging on the mobile app may lead to an action block.

You should regularly review your activity logs daily to ensure smooth account performance.

Here are some known ways to stop getting the "Your account was compromised" IG message:

1. Give yourself a break from "follow," "comments," and "like" activities for at least 72 hours.

2. Stop performing actions on the mobile app while your activities run on your social media dashboard.

3. Link your Instagram account with Facebook to build more credibility.

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