Why Am I Losing Followers?

It is important to note that Instagram takes proactive measures to maintain the integrity and authenticity of its platform. As part of these efforts, the social media giant regularly deletes millions of fake, inactive, and spam accounts daily. This ensures that users have a genuine and engaging experience on the platform.

If you have a significant number of followers, you may experience a decrease in your follower count. Please don't worry; this is directly related to removing these fraudulent accounts mentioned earlier. In other words, the reduction in your follower count does not indicate a decrease in popularity or content quality.

Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that despite losing followers due to the purge, you can gain new followers organically or through other legitimate means. For instance, if you use our service, you may consistently gain around 30 new followers daily. However, when coupled with the removal of 100 fake accounts, this can result in a net loss of 70 followers for the day.

It is worth noting that our larger clients, who have a substantial following, are also experiencing the effects of this account purge. They may be losing hundreds of followers daily. So, if you find yourself in a similar situation, losing a relatively smaller number of followers, there is no need to be overly concerned.

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