Is My Account at Risk for Using WolfGrowth?

Oh yeah, that most common question of every client. Why is WolfGrowth the safest Instagram bot on the market?

Encoded Limits

WolfGrowth developers team has created an algorithm that adheres to all Instagram rules and limits. It’s absolutely impossible to get banned if you use the WolfGrowth tool and avoid manual actions.

Real Human Behavior

WolfGrowth also encoded the period for rest and sleep. It purely imitates the behavior of a human according to a chosen timezone.

Competent Support Team

For the last 3 years, WolfGrowth has created a team of specialists that will always keep your account safe. We have a range of minimum requirements to every Instagram account that prevent any block or problem.

Useful Suggestions

Your account is not in any way at risk if you follow the safety method we’ve laid out.

Do not use the Fast or Very Fast speed options if you’re running multiple functions simultaneously.

For new Users, Always start with the Slow Speed option for the first few days; you can increase this to Medium, then Fast after some weeks.

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