Your Guide to Safe Engagement with Mass Story Engager Pro!

It is crucial to exercise caution when engaging with your Instagram account, particularly when utilizing automated tools. To maintain equilibrium and prevent issues, refrain from manually accessing your account on your mobile device while automation tools are in operation.

Establishing engagement activity schedules through the Mass Story Engager Pro is a recommended approach to managing this effectively.


Running automation and manual activity simultaneously is risky and may attract Instagram's attention differently. This could result in your account being logged out of the app. So, it is essential to set a schedule for when automation is active and when you are using your account.

To ensure the essential safety of your account while utilizing automation:

  1. Determine the optimal times based on your followers' peak activity.
  2. Schedule automation to run during these peak times.
  3. Avoid manual actions on your account while automation is active.
  4. Introduce a gap between automated sessions and personal account usage.
  5. Adhere to the safe usage limits on Mass Story Engager Pro to prevent any restrictions.
  6. Regularly check your activity schedule to follow Instagram's policies and audience engagement.

By following these guidelines, you can utilize automation on Instagram safely without jeopardizing your account. Remember, careful planning is crucial for maintaining a healthy and engaged account.

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